I originally began documenting my learning journey on X as a fun, casual pact with a new internet friend. We wanted to keep each other accountable.

What began as a personal log, getting me zero views and likes, unexpectedly changed after my account gained traction on day 28, thanks to a viral post.

Suddenly, I found myself publically my daily struggles in learning ML.


The initial plan was straightforward: post daily without stressing about crazy progress but rather focusing on the number of hours of concentrated effort each day.

Actually inspired by Andrej Karpathy’s advice to machine learning beginners:

My posts still include:

  • Day:
  • Learning stage:
  • Satisfaction:
  • Daily activities
  • Occasionally, insights on how my day went and areas needing improvement

Unexpected Benefits

Here’s why you might want to start a similar journey:

  • Consistency: Regular posts helped me build a habit of daily focus and effort.
  • Openness: Sharing your struggles teaches you not to fear discussing your work openly.
  • Networking: It opens doors to new connections and opportunities.
  • Feedback: You receive direct criticism and suggestions that can refine your strategy.

Facing Common Objections

  • “Will it bore people?” People often mindlessly scroll through social media. The chances of overloading your followers are slim; many may not even recall daily specifics, allowing you to reinforce your message without becoming overbearing.
  • “My work is too mundane.” If you think your daily grind is uninteresting, remember, there’s likely someone out there in the same shoes you once were, eager for guidance or insight you can provide.

Adding Variety In Learning Material

While my posts have mainly focused on math and entry machine learning, they have diversified over time to include topics like Linux, OSs, electronics, and, lately, web development.

I’ve realized that many of these topics are intertwined and require a holistic understanding to maximize the scope of what’s possible.

Why “Follow My Journey” Works Better Than “Here’s How to Do X”

Pretending to be an expert from the start can make content creation daunting and inauthentic. Especially if you’re learning the material yourself on the go!

By sharing your journey, you drop the baggage of having to appear as if you know everything, making the process more engaging and relatable.

You’ll also make more real friends along the way :)