Current stage: noob-level math grind Learned for: 6h Satisfied? Yes

Finally started learning Calc 1 by watching Prof. Leonard’s lecture series: length ~35h, so I will either: a) only watch lectures for next 7 days b) do 50/50% with code for 14 days

For learning Calculus 1, I’ll be using:

  1. Professor Leonard’s YouTube lecture series
  2. Calculus by Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards (book)
  3. Calculus 1 Khan Academy
  4. Essence of Calculus by 3Blue1Brown

I’m proud of working 6 hours today, considering it’s Sunday, and I had other errands.

An extra day of work in the week can make a significant difference in a year, and that’s what I’m betting on.

Today I was resting, but tomorrow, I’m hitting the gym again. Let’s crush it. 💪