Current stage: Linux basics Learned for: 6h and 2h Satisfied? nah

  • spent a few hours learning about Linux booting process
  • Next is file system hierarchy
  • then the CLI

It’s fun, but won’t spend more than a few days on it. (more details below) 🙂

Finished:🐧 Linux Boot Process Essentials

🚀 BIOS/UEFI: Initializes hardware, loads bootloader. 🛠️ Boot loader (GRUB): Presents menu, loads kernel. 🧠 Kernel: Core of Linux, manages system resources. 🔍 Init System (systemd): Starts services, manages startup. 🖥️ Run levels/Targets: Determines system services based on needs.

Do I absolutely need this knowledge? probably not, but it’s cool to have top-level understanding!

Interesting Linux course (+ chatgpt)

Good stuff I’ve done:

  1. Fixed sleep (more or less)
  2. Hit the gym yesterday
  3. Made more comrades

To fix:

  1. Diet is work in progress (trying to eat chicken with everything)
  2. Need to have a better hold on ML targets VS wandering around learning everything!

Overall happy!