Current stage: Git & GitHub Learned for: 4h and 4h Satisfied? Barely

Finally started learning Git. Anyone got cool resources to share? 🦝

Covered today: history, setup, config, init, commit, git diff

also destroyed legs in gym & ate well—GG EZ

Yesterday I was debugging some random shit and wasted an entire learning day. Not my proudest day. In hindsight, I could’ve fixed it in 3 clicks if I just knew the right steps. fml 🥱

Cool comments from the community:

“This is all you’re going to need for a year: git clone repo git checkout -b ‘new_branch’ git add file / git rm file git commit -m ‘my commit message’ git push —set-upstream origin new_branch create a PR and merge in github” by @machinegod

“The official book on git is quite in depth and has everything you need to know (and more).

Its free

To be a proficient user you only need chapters 1-3, also chapter 7 is nice for advanced features, and 8 when you start working on prod codebases.

Of course everything is nice to know.” by @MaxMynter by @psyopxp

AND MANY MORE (you can check out the comment section yourself)