Current stage: detour to logarithms Learned for: 5 & 5 hours Satisfied? Yes

Realized I didn’t understand logarithms well, so I spent two days re-learning them. Covered properties, solved exercises, and explored their applications. 👌

A few resources I used:

  1. Khan Academy Log Unit:
  2. Intro to logarithms by Eddie Woo (very short vids):
  3. Supplemental exercises:
  4. Various YouTube vids and chatgpt

Unlike learning Linux or coding, reporting on math can be dull. I can spend hours grasping a concept without an interesting story to share. It is what it is.

Crushed gym, picked up new books to read, and improved my sleep.

We’re going in a good direction. It’s gonna pay off.

To explain why my math skills lag behind others:

I never cared about math in school because I never thought I’d need it. I was busy learning marketing, running a business, and making money. It only became important to me recently when I started to pursue machine learning.